Pros and Cons of Mobile Development with Xamarin

By 10/01/2018Blog

There are plenty of choices when it comes to mobile development tools. Some tools are there just to facilitate the process and make your life easier. But there are tools that become virtually irreplaceable during the development process. These are the juggernauts of the app development world and include, but are not limited to, Xamarin, Cordova and React Native.

Last year Microsoft acquired Xamarin, blatantly hinting app developers at the basket where they should be putting all their eggs. But why exactly should you pick this software over its alternatives? Maybe it’s not exactly your cup of tea?

Let’s dive deeper into the specifics of Xamarin and see what makes this product unique and worth the learning curve, if you’re about to embark on a lifelong journey of mobile app development. This post should also be useful for developers who are looking for an alternative to their current app development stack.


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