Why Companies Prefer MS DOT NET Technology…

By 02/02/2018Blog

Why companies prefer to develop apps and software with .NET technology

Project applications that meet the high performance and customer usability require a technology that is trusted, scalable and make the business efficient in the long run. Microsoft .Net technology delivers unfaltering user experiences and meets the growing needs of an enterprise. Large companies these days are looking for enterprise application development solutions that can be built fast and offer flexibility for future growth.

And.Net technology can adorn virtually any and every application with its endless adaptable features and versatilities.

Easy to use:

ASP .Net has one of the most extensive class libraries among the coding languages and developers can use it effectively. Moreover, Microsoft has made ASP.NET open source web platform for building modern web apps and services.

It also integrates very quickly with all the databases including ODBS and clouds. The way it gels with MS SQL and SQL server is nothing sort of Awesomeness.


Dot Net is developed merely for scale. It is adaptable to add or remove any class, component or suite with the drop of a hat for any size or expansion or decrease in preposition values. Dot NET framework encompasses all the capabilities to build a great application that can run anywhere. It meets and enhances emerging needs of modern enterprises. Applications developed with.Net are fully customized and competent to handle large packages when these packages spike. Also, it eliminates the need for re-investing in new software as the enterprise grows or during department expansion; it just scales itself to adapt to changing scenarios.

Technical Support:

ASP .Net is one of the most widely used platforms for web and enterprise mobility apps development; .NET developers are readily available for consultation and hire. You can virtually decide the scope and few more features with the help of .Net software development companies like AmazeXpert.com who are known for the fantastic .NET development and provide a free consultation for .Net projects. They can also help and advice you for e-commerce solutions.

Compatibility with Existing Systems:

With .Net application development, developers can quickly build apps & software that runs seamlessly on tablets, mobiles & desktops with smooth user experiences. Much of the .NET environment configuration, parameters & code can be reused to suit application development within the .NET framework. Also crucial for enterprise applications is backward compatibility & easy integration with existing systems. It also allows integration with multiple systems and platforms by consuming XML documents of any type. .NET becomes compatible with every platform and languages that are known to humankind.


.NET can adapt to every coding language and platform. It can virtually merge any and every application whether it’s new or old, modern or legacy. It can contribute towards combining mobile applications with desktop and web software and share coding and data for native and hybrid application development.

Not only its adaptability adds a layer or security, but it also is the shortest way to test the feasibility of any development work.


With .NET applications, enterprises can get round-the-clock support from Microsoft for their .NET project development. A healthy and vibrant community of dedicated .Net developers has continuously supported this technology who regularly contributes in various forums for technical glitches and troubleshooting steps. It almost requires no maintenance once implemented with technical support.


For enterprises, application security is non-negotiable. And Microsoft .NET platform offers top-notch security features when it comes to app and software development. It builds sophisticated and very secure enterprise applications with pre-built features like Code checks, Encryption, Character validations and Code Access security.